1 「清潔」(菌をつけない)
- 調理前、食事前、用便後には、手をよく洗いましょう。
- 台所は、整理整頓し、常に清潔にしましょう。
- まな板、ふきん等の調理器具は、十分に洗浄・消毒を行いましょう。
- ハエ、ゴキブリ等の衛生害虫は、定期的に駆除しましょう。
- 魚介類は、真水で十分洗い、専用まな板で調理しましょう。
- 肉を焼くときは、生の肉をつかむはしと食べるはしを使い分けましょう。
2 「迅速・冷却」(菌を増やさない)
- 生鮮食品は、できるだけ早く食べましょう。
- 調理したものは、早めに食べましょう。
- 生鮮食品や調理後の食品は、10℃以下で保存しましょう。(生食用鮮魚介類は、4℃以下で保存するよう努めましょう)
3 「加熱」(菌をやっつける)
- 加熱して食べる食品は、中心部まで十分に火を通しましょう。
- 特に、食肉等は中心部まで十分に火を通しましょう。(食肉の生食は避けましょう。)
Three Principles for Food Poisoning Prevention
1.To avoid contact with germs
- Wash your hands well after relieving yourself and before cooking and eating.
- Keep your kitchen tidy and clean.
- Wash fish and vegetables well.
- Wash cooking utensils, containers, and tablewares such as cutting boards, kitchen
knives, dish towels and chopsticks and etc - Along with washing your hands and cooking utensils such as cutting boards,and etc.
Well,immediately after cooking meat and fish do not mix meat and fish juice with other ingredients
(It is recommended that you have separate cooking utensils and containers for meat and fish only.) - Do not mix uncooked meat and fish juice with vegetables and other foods in shopping bags and refrigerator, and etc.
- Do not eat foods using chopsticks which have touched uncooked meat and fish.
- Exterminate insect pests such as flies, cockroaches and etc.
- Maintain your well water and water tank well.
2.To avoid increasing germs.
- Eat fresh foods as soon as possible.
- Also eat cooked foods as soon as possible.
- Fresh foods and cooked foods must be kept below 5 degrees Celsius and do not leave them in the refrigerator for a long period of time.
3.Killing germs.
- Heat up ingredients well when you cook meals, especially for children and senior citizens.